
Delimited Parser

The DELIMITED parser plugin is used to take in a string and extract the fields when they are originally separated by a character. For example, taking in tab-delimited data and extracting each field.


delimiter: OPTIONAL, the character that separates each field. If not provided, RioDB uses “tab” as the default delimiter.

record_delimiter: OPTIONAL, the character that separates each record, in case the payload is a batch of multiple records. If not provided, the default record delimiter is a newline character. Note that in some operating systems, that is different from a carriage return character.

skip_fields: OPTIONAL, it ignores certain incoming fields. For example, let’s say you stream providers records with 5 fields, but your RioDB stream only cares about 3, then you can instruct which 2 fields from the original record are not wanted and should be skipped.


PARSER delimited (
    delimiter <single char>
    record_delimiter <single char>
    skip_fields '<comma-separated integers>'


To parse records like “session_id,request_type,reresponse_time”


You can use

PARSER delimited (
    delimiter ','

If you don’t care about the first two fields:

PARSER delimited (
    delimiter ','
    skip_fields '1,2'

To parse records that are tab-delimited, records terminated by newline, you don’t need any properties, because it’s the plugin’s default settings:

PARSER delimited
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